Which BouquetMat model to choose?

Having a choice is more of an advantage than a disadvantage, but when there are 8 models of BouquetMat to offer, of different sizes, with different functionalities, analysing the product range and spotting the differences can already be a bit of a challenge. That is why we encourage you to call us every time so we can identify the needs of your flower shop and, on the basis of our experience and analysis, to adjust the optimal solution to it – machine’s model, size and accessories.

What is the difference between these BouquetMats?

Different interface and functionalities

The basic distinction between the models of our BouquetMat is the interface used. The one that is more advanced and open to the future updates is in the PRO and ONE models. The one that is simpler and sales-focused is in the META, NEO and LM models. There are two twin models in our range: PRO and META. They are exactly the same units in terms of appearance, climate modules, quality and durability. However, the META model is less expensive. Why? To find the answer to this question, we can use the phone comparison. META is like a Nokia – a simple handset focused on basic functionality: calls, SMS, calculator, alarm clock, calendar, simple game. PRO is like a modern smartphone with a large colour touchscreen. It’s not just about the screen, but about the interface capabilities, which we used for a number of interesting applications. The operation of BouquetMat via a smartphone app, a dozen interesting functionalities, as well as an online shop for BouquetMat are just some of the possibilities that the software used in the PRO model gives us.

Cooling efficiency

Another distinction is the effectiveness of providing optimum conditions for cut flower bouquets. In the PRO and META models, each vertical column, divided into 2, 3, 4 sales boxes, is a separate climate module. Each module has a separate cooling unit and heating system. For example, in the K9 model (3 columns with 3 display cabinets each) there are such 3 climate modules. In the ONE model, there are 6, 7 or 8 boxes in one climate module, smaller boxes and this space is cooled by one cooler unit, which has the effect of reducing the efficiency of the cooling system.

Display cabinet and boxes size

Compare the sizes of the boxes available in the different models so you can understand which model will best meet your space needs. The PRO and META models are the optimum size, with a column height of 51 cm when divided into three boxes and 77 cm when divided into two boxes. In the ONE Standard model the boxes are smaller, it is worth making yourself a box template from cardboard and checking whether the size of bouquets you would like to sell in BouquetMat fit into these boxes. If they are smaller, cheaper bouquets and flowerboxes then they should fit, if larger and more expensive then such boxes may be too small. The ONE Standard models are an interesting option when extending the PRO models, in which case a module with smaller boxes for selling smaller bouquets is added to the optimum box sized modules.

The way the machine communicates with the customer

For the LM‘20, NEO’20 and META’20 models, we used the simplest and cheapest solutions for communication – a digital keypad and a monochrome display. However, the cheapest solutions limit the communication possibilities. In the LM‘25, NEO’25 and META’25 models, we went a step further and used a touch screen for communication between the machine and the customer, which gives us the possibility to add several functionalities – bouquet reservation, other languages of communication, bouquet time counter in boxes. In our BouquetMat PRO and ONE we used colour touch screens and software which gives many additional possibilities and allows us to add new ideas and concepts in the future.

Match the model to your future plans

Each person investing in a BouquetMat must answer for themselves what is important to them when choosing a Polish bouquet vending machine. When choosing a BouquetMat model, it is worth taking into account not only current needs, but also future development possibilities of the flower shop. An open interface will enable flexible adaptation to changing market conditions and the introduction of new functionalities that may appear in the coming years.

Note that a BouquetMat is an investment not for one or two years, but for the long term (5-15 years). It is important to choose a model that can keep up with the dynamic development of the florist market. How will an innovative flower shop function in 5 years? It is difficult to predict today! One thing is certain, BouquetMat PRO will keep up with the changing flower shop business environment. It can even be expected to create this future.

Although it may seem that trade in our industry is reluctant to enter online sales, this can be expected to change in the years to come. The online shop we have prepared for BouquetMat in the PRO version will enable the customer to order a bouquet displayed in the florist’s social media. The purchase process is finalised in the webshop and the system reserves a specific bouquet for the customer at the selected BouquetMat. In the further development of the webshop, we would like to add the possibility of adding products other than bouquets in BouquetMat from the florist’s offer with the possibility of pickup in a vending machine, in a stationary shop or delivery by courier.

This shows what kind of potential our BouquetMats have. What will we come up with in the future? No one knows, but by listening to the suggestions of our BouquetMat users and being open to innovation, we are sure that there is still a lot ahead of us. We already have the most technologically advanced BouquetMat in the world and we are not stopping there. We are constantly working on our new ideas.

Why choose the PRO model with BouquetMat 24 EA application?

Our BouquetMat 24 EA smartphone app is a key tool for managing your unit.

In the basic version you can:

  • Receive instant push notifications when each bouquet is sold (from which box, what price etc.). Notifications can also be sent by email.
  • Monitor the current situation in the BouquetMat – which boxes are full and which are empty.
  • Check the prices of bouquets, which allows even better management of the assortment.
  • Analyse various sales statistics: today’s, yesterday’s, last week’s and last month’s.
  • Receive reminders to replenish the assortment and notifications of the offline status of the machine.
  • Enable customers to contact you after purchasing a bouquet – they can send a quick message asking for a phone call.
  • Open the box remotely if required.

In conclusion

Choosing the right model depends on the flower shop’s current needs and future growth plans. Open interface models provide more flexibility and growth opportunities, while closed interface models focus on core sales functions. Of course, the flower shop’s current ability to finance such an investment is important, but even if you do not have such funds to purchase from your own resources, you can use financing through a leasing arrangement.

Choosing the right BouquetMat model depends on the specific needs of your flower shop and your plans for the future. If in doubt, you can always consult a manufacturer’s representative for more detailed information and recommendations.

Although our offer includes the cheapest BouquetMat on the Polish market, we are very pleased to see Clients who choose our flagship PRO model. In order to make the best choice, it is necessary to talk, analyse and choose the best proposal for the customer, based on experience and reason.

Over the past two years, we have installed 400 BouquetMats in Poland, of which as many as 94% are PRO models of various sizes. This does not surprise us, as we started with this model. For more than two years we have been improving it, beautifying it and adding new functionalities. This was possible thanks to a modern and open interface, which allows for further development in the future.

In focusing on the best, we took note of suggestions from customers that they were looking for cheaper solutions. However, after the introduction of cheaper models, we found that customers often only thought they were looking for the cheapest option. This is reminiscent of the situation in the car market – although there are many cheap models available, they do not dominate the streets. This proves that price is important, but there are many other factors that influence the customer’s choice.

When a flower shop owner decides to spend several tens of thousands of zlotys on a vending machine to support the sale of bouquets, they take many factors into account: functionality, ensuring optimum conditions for bouquets in summer and winter, quality, durability, guarantee, service and price. This is a decision to be made for 15 years, as we anticipate that our Polish BouquetMats from Eldrut Automatics will operate for such a long time, keeping up with the changing reality.

If you need more detailed information on these models, I would be happy to help!

Andrzej Dąbrowski


+48 601 375 900

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